Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Weekdays at 1a ET


Pilot Guest Star Diane Ladd – The daughter of a Boston physician boldly follows in his footsteps. She leaves luxurious Boston for the frontier town of Colorado Springs, where she finds the citizens reluctant to be treated by a woman doctor. While she struggles to earn their trust, her life is complicated by the responsibility of raising three orphaned children.
Epidemic After taking measures to stop the spread of an influenza epidemic sweeping through her new American Frontier town and creating chaos in the community, Dr. Michaela “Mike” Quinn falls prey to the virus herself, threatening the survival of Colorado Springs.
Visitor, The Guest Star Jane Wyman – Mike’s mother visits her daughter in Colorado Springs, but finds her unconventional life on the frontier difficult to accept.  Elizabeth Quinn maintains her cool formality with her daughter, grandchildren and the townsfolk until she realizes she cannot afford to lose any of the love left between herself and her daughter.
Law of the Land Guest Star Johnny Cash – When a starving orphaned immigrant takes desperate measures to feed his siblings the people of Colorado Springs want to see the man hanged and the only thing standing between him and a noose is Kid Cole, the new sheriff.
Healing, The Sully’s estranged father-in-law Loren learns that he still owns the deed to Sully’s homestead and wants to take it back, leaving Mike and her kids without a place to live.  When Loren falls dangerously ill and faces surgery, he and Sully put the bitterness between them aside, so that Mike can try to save his life.
Father’s Day A businessman rides into town and develops an interest in Michaela.  She soon learns the man is Ethan, the thieving father of her adopted children. Claiming to be eager for a new chance as a father, Ethan tries to regain the love of his children, but Sully and Michaela discover his real intentions are less than honorable.
Bad Water Guest Star Robert Culp – When the town’s water supply is tainted with mercury by a wealthy mining baron, many people become sick and Dr. Mike threatens the miner to clean it up or have his land taken away.
Great American Medicine Show, The Guest Star Robert Culp – When a medicine-show man arrives in town professing to have created the perfect bottled elixir.  Mike is suspicious of the man, and after finding Matthew sipping from his bottle she sets out to call his bluff and prove him a fraud.
A Cowboy’s Lullaby Guest Star John Schneider – Red McCall, a thieving cowhand and single father, rides into town and quickly rides out after first robbing Loren’s store and then leaving his sick baby with Dr. Mike to cure and also find loving parents to adopt him.
Running Ghost To clear the path for a railroad, a slick attorney cons the merchants of Colorado Springs into selling out, while skinners slaughter the buffalo and starve the Cheyenne. When Sully confronts the skinners, he is beaten and left for dead, and Dr. Mike fears he may be paralyzed.
Prisoner, The General George Custer and his men descend on the Cheyenne Indians, and many are wounded, including Cloud Dancing, who is also captured. Custer reluctantly allows Mike to treat Cloud Dancing, and she and Sully make an escape plan for him.
Happy Birthday As Dr. Mike’s birthday approaches the town is planning a surprise party and the kids try their hands at matchmaking.  They set Dr. Mike up with Sully — who has a very singular reaction. They then arrange a date for her with the Reverend — to which she has a distinct reaction of her own.
Rite of Passage Michaela is crushed when Matthew is determined to forego a university education in order to marry. Frustrated by her overprotectiveness and his desire for independence, Matthew undertakes a “vision quest,” a Cheyenne ceremony in which a man searches for direction. Michaela worries that his quest to discover his manhood may cost him his life.
Heroes Colleen develops her first crush — on Sully — and schemes a way for him to rescue her from danger. Sully becomes a hero to Colleen when he saves her from a runaway wagon, but when Colleen plots a way for Sully to rescue her again, it backfires, and she ends up putting her life in jeopardy.
Operation, The While Brian is in Sully’s care, he falls and suffers a brain injury. Mike can’t help but to blame Sully for what happened to Brian, and while angry and frightened, she has no choice but to perform a risky operation.
Secret, The When Mike takes in the boy, Zack, who is developmentally disabled and needs a special kind of care if he is to thrive in life, Hank is forced to admit his relationship to the child.  Meanwhile, Brian brings one of Zack’s paintings to school and ends up taking credit for the boy’s talented work.
Portraits Guest Star Kenny Rogers – Daniel Watkins, a renowned civil war photographer who visits Colorado Springs, agrees to take a town portrait, then realizes the photo could be his last when Dr. Mike discovers that he is going blind.
Race, The Excited about her speedy and spirited new horse, a gift from the Cheyenne, Dr. Mike attempts to enter a high-stakes race, but the rules committee turns her away because she lacks one important qualification–she’s not a man.
Sanctuary Dorothy is charged with murder and claims it happened in self-defense.  She appeals to Dr. Mike to somehow find evidence to clear her name and set her free.  Meanwhile, Snowbird breaks tradition and leaves Cloud Dancing after he takes in a widow as his second wife.
Halloween Guest Star Tom Poston – Everyone is spooked by a mysterious “dead man”, who keeps disappearing and then reappearing somewhere else in town on Halloween. Meanwhile, Brian is convinced that Dorothy is a witch and tries to dispel her powers, and even the skeptical Dr. Mike claims she is haunted by the ghost of Sully’s dead wife.
Incident, The When the Cheyenne brave Little Eagle is found dead, Jake is blamed.  Tempers flare when Jake is kidnapped and put on trial by the Indians, and Jake’s fate rests in the hands of Sully’s ability to resolve the problem with his friend Cloud Dancing.
Saving Souls Guest Stars Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash – An overbearing faith healer clashes with Dr. Mike over treatment for the deteriorating health of Kid Cole, who has tuberculosis. Meanwhile, Robert E and Grace plan to marry but are unable to have the ceremony they want when others decide where the wedding must take place.
Where the Heart Is Guest Stars Edward Albert and Elinor Donahue – Michaela learns her mother is ill and travels to Boston to treat her. Later, Sully visits Boston to see Michaela and witnesses an attraction between her and a young Boston doctor.  Sully must decide to fight to win her favor or return home alone.
Giving Thanks Ignoring the spirit of Thanksgiving, Jake and Loren steal water from the Cheyenne’s “secret” water supply and then profit by bottling and selling it. They soon learn they should have listened to the Indians in the first place when their trespassing puts everyone in danger. Meanwhile, Sully and Dr. Mike take their first awkward courting steps.
Best Friends When Sully doesn’t ask Dr. Mike to the Sweethearts Dance, and she sees him visiting Dorothy, her suspicions grow, and Dr. Mike feels betrayed by her new friend and the man she thought cared for her. Meanwhile, Colleen tries to help her friend Becky, but she is instead accused of stealing Becky’s boyfriend.
Sully’s Choice Sully is trying to prevent the Dog Soldiers from blowing up a bridge when he is shot by the approaching cavalry, which misunderstands his involvement and marks him a wanted man. The children, in Mike’s absence, protect him from the Army, but his bigger threat comes from Hank and Jake, who want to cash in on the bounty.
Mike’s Dream – A Christmas Tale Guest Star Diane Ladd – On Christmas Eve, Dr. Mike’s adoptive children’s biological mother Charlotte Cooper, who died at the onset of the series, returns and takes Dr. Mike on a journey through Christmases past, present and future. Meanwhile, feuding in-laws search for the pregnant bride and her groom, who married against their families wishes.
Crossing the Line Despite the dangerous conditions which cause other miners to go on strike, Matthew takes a mining job and puts his life in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Loren refuses credit to striking miners who can’t pay their bills, and strike sympathizers — like Brian – decide to boycott the store.
Offering, The After Dr. Mike and Sully convince the Cheyenne to accept the government’s offer of blankets and supplies, she and Sully are soon helping to save the Cheyenne from a deadly virus they feel responsible for delivering. Meanwhile, the town is gearing up for their fourth of July celebration, which is hampered by the fear of the spreading disease.
Circus, The A woman named Heart comes to town with her traveling circus and her daughter, Atlantis, who feels like an outcast until Matthew helps her overcome her self-consciousness. Ultimately, Dr. Mike wants to help Atlantis, but instead, she ends up clashing with Heart over the treatment.
Another Woman Dr. Mike helps Catherine, a traumatized white woman who has adopted Indian ways, heal from the cavalry massacre that left her wounded. Catherine falls in love with Sully, and it becomes apparent to Mike that he may feel something for her as well.
Orphan Train When Dr. Mike spends time with the Reverend helping orphans find families, he develops an interest in adopting children of his own — and in marrying her — while her own children begin to feel neglected. Meanwhile, Robert E. offers a special orphan a gift that changes his life forever.
Buffalo Soldiers Guest Star Dorian Harewood – A cavalry of black troops – the Buffalo Soldiers – arrives to confront the renegade Indians. The calvary asks Sully and Dr. Mike to be their scouts and the two seize the opportunity, knowing that inside information may prevent an ensuing battle between the Buffalo Soldiers and the Dog Soldiers.
Luck of the Draw Guest Star Craig Wasson – Matthew discovers the rewards of gambling and believes he’s found an easy way to make money.  Dr. Mike and Sully try to convince Matthew that his addiction is ruling his life and ruining his future, but Matthew won’t stop until his luck runs out, taking Ingrid, his family and his dignity with it.
Life and Death Dorothy’s son, Tom, returns home with an injury and an addiction to morphine.  Tom’s addiction drives him to threaten the lives of Dr. Mike’s family, and she must act to protect them — which puts her in conflict with Dorothy.
First Circle, The Guest Star George Furth – When Denver banker Jedediah Bancroft returns to Colorado Springs to sell homes, he is accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan who are seeking new members to spread their message and try to force one black homeowner — Robert E – to move out.
Just One Lullaby Guest Star Ross Malinger – The Reverend’s good friend, Louise, becomes the new school teacher and Dr. Mike’s new friend, but when some of the school children seek medical treatment, Dr. Mike suspects that her well-liked friend may be abusing them.
Abduction Part 1, The When Michaela mistakenly guides the Army to Cloud Dancing’s village, a fight between the Dog Soldiers and the Army leads to the death of two cavalrymen.   The incident leads to Dr. Mike’s capture by the Dog Soldiers.
Abduction Part 2, The Calvary commander George Custer  vows to avenge the death of his soldiers and Michaela’s kidnapping by hanging Cloud Dancing. While Cloud Dancing waits to see if Custer will carry out his vow to hang him, his own son, Walks on Cloud, is threatening to kill Michaela, and only Sully can save her.
Campaign, The When Hank nominates Jake to run for mayor, Horace comes forward and nominates Dr. Quinn, and the race for mayor of Colorado Springs turns into a debate over a woman’s right to even vote, let alone to be mayor.
Man in the Moon, The When Myra leaves the business, Hank shoots up the town in a drunken rage and ends up in a coma.  While Hank lies in Dr. Quinn’s care, Myra is by his side praying for him.  Horace, enraged by Myra’s loyalty, is convinced he must purchase a gun to protect Myra in the future.
Return Engagement Part 1 Guest Star Maxwell Caulfield – A scarred war hero comes to town under the guise of being a naturalist named Andrew, but Michaela soon discovers that this stranger is really David, her former fiance from Boston, who she thought was killed in the war.
Return Engagement Part 2 As Myra and Horace exchange wedding vows, Michaela struggles with her own decisions about marriage, realizing she must choose between David and Sully, who has proposed to her. Meanwhile, Sully is saddened to learn that his good friend Cloud Dancing is leaving Colorado Springs permanently.
Train, The Loren and Jake create a false campaign of the town’s highlights to lure the railroad developers to the area.   Dr. Mike and the citizens of Colorado Springs look forward to the advantages a train could bring to their small town, but Sully and the Cheyenne fear progress could lead to their demise.
Fathers and Sons When Loren sets out to prove he’s not too old, and Brian wants to prove he’s old enough, the two embark on individual journeys that intersect.  An unexpected travel companion — a grizzly bear — unites the two “men” in a shared adventure neither anticipated.
Cattle Drive Part 1 Matthew and his family, as well as Sully, Grace, Robert E. and Loren, travel to give Olive a proper burial and to help Matthew and the vaqueros herd the cattle to Colorado Springs. Along the way, Matthew’s decisions are challenged by nature’s unexpected elements.
Cattle Drive Part 2 After Matthew loses hundreds of cattle due to a stampede and a few disloyal ranch hands, Sully tries to help him focus. A defiant Matthew discredits Sully’s advice and ultimately endangers the lives of Dr. Mike and others.
Library, The Dr. Quinn donates her father’s extensive book collection to the townspeople to start the town’s first public library, never imagining that her act of generosity will create turmoil.  The Reverend feels such classics as Faust and The Koran are inappropriate.  It’s the Bible that Dr. Quinn uses to convince the Reverend of the importance of freedom of choice.
Halloween II Guest Star Richard Moll – As Halloween approaches, some of the townspeople compare Dr. Quinn to the notorious Dr. Frankenstein when she performs experimental reconstructive surgery on a troubled, lonely and disfigured man who was disfigured from a tragic accident.
Washington Affair Part 1, The Guest Stars Dennis Lipscomb and Kathleen Lloyd – After the arrival of the train threatens the rights of the Cheyenne, Dr. Mike goes with her family, Sully and Cloud Dancing to Washington, D.C., to lobby on behalf of the Indians and learns a dark secret about Sully.
Washington Affair Part 2, The Excitement runs high when Dr. Mike and her group meet and becomes friends of President and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant but turns to suspense when Dr. Mike’s life is threatened, Sully is imprisoned and sentenced to death and they learn of a plot to kill the president.
Money Trouble When Sully runs out of money, he goes to extremes to avoid borrowing it from Dr. Mike. He sells himself to a Wild West show that comes to town. Meanwhile, Myra and Horace come to Dr. Mike with their latest problem, Myra’s sleepwalking.
Thanksgiving Guest Stars Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash – While in Denver, Dr. Mike and Sully meet Kid Cole and Sister Ruth and invite them home for Thanksgiving, but they are waylaid by stage coach robbers en route, putting their four lives in danger. Back at the homestead, the children plan to surprise Mike and Sully with Thanksgiving dinner.
Ladies Night Part 1 Michaela warns Dorothy that a lump on her breast is potentially cancerous, and when Dorothy refuses to have it removed, Michaela becomes determined to convince her best friend she must have the surgery in order to survive.
Ladies Night Part 2 Dorothy, who has a potentially cancerous lump on her breast, implores Sully to try to convince Michaela that the decision whether or not to have surgery belongs to the patient alone, not the doctor. Meanwhile, the town bar has a mess on their hands thanks to a “ladies night” promotion.
A First Christmas Guest Star Tricia Yearwood – As Colorado Springs prepares for the Christmas season, Loren fears that a new Jewish immigrant and his family will put him out of business by undercutting his high prices. Loren warns that “these people” are bad for their town. Dr. Mike begins to wonder what has happened to the true meaning of Christmas.
Indian Agent Sully is sworn in as an Indian agent, unaware that his supervisor is lining his own pockets by selling food and other goods to local merchants instead of giving them to the Cheyenne.  Meanwhile, Dr. Mike rallies the townspeople to help feed the starving Indians, although it may be too late for some.
End of the World, The A major newspaper reports that the deadly Stowe’s comet is headed for earth.  When several natural occurrences are coupled with a ruse perpetrated by Hank and Loren, the town panics to a point where even the level headed Dr. Mike is questioning the future.
Pike’s Peace Dr. Mike meets her match and a kindred soul in an unconventional woman who comes to Colorado Springs from Boston to climb Pike’s Peak.  Dr. Mike soon learns that the woman is terminally ill and wants to spend her final days on the mountain.
Cooper vs. Quinn Part 1 Guest Star Ben Murphy – Dr. Mike and Sully decide to adopt Colleen and Brian, but the arrival of their natural father and his new wife may complicate their plans. When Dr. Mike discovers that Lillian will not be able to bare a child, Ethan reneges on his agreement to let the children be adopted.
Cooper vs. Quinn Part 2 Miserable living with Ethan and Lillian, Colleen and Brian run away, and Colleen comes down with a dangerous case of pneumonia. After Dr. Mike has done everything possible to keep custody of the children and save Colleen’s life, she realizes that some things are out of her hands and turns to God for help.
What Is Love? Feuds and jealousies are aroused when the townsfolk begin trying out for roles in a rustic production of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, Dr. Mike’s plans to spend the entire day alone with Sully are dashed when he is called to Denver for an Indian Affairs meeting.
Things My Father Never Taught Me Dr. Mike’s faith in Robert E. leads her to recommend him for the job of repairing the steam engine that carries supplies to the railroad work site. Although he realizes that he may be in over his head, Robert E., determined to provide a better life for Grace, drives himself to finish the job.
Baby Outlaws After having been wounded while holding up the saloon, the brash young female outlaw Belle Starr is taken in by Dr. Mike. The townspeople agree to let Dr. Mike have Belle only until the marshal arrives from Denver to arrest her. While regaining her health, the hard-headed lass makes an awkward romantic pass at Matthew.
Bone of Contention Guest Star Jack Bannon – Dr. John Porter, an ambitious paleontologist, visits Colorado Springs to unearth dinosaur remains.  Dr. Porter is intent on disrupting the burial sites of the Cheyenne to unearth his prize, and Dr. Mike, Sully and the Indians attempt to stop him.
Permanence of Change Filling in for the ailing Rev. Johnson, Dr. Mike teaches his students about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and soon finds herself confronted by angry parents. Meanwhile, she takes a special interest in Brian’s young friend Mary Ann Daggett, who appears to be a victim of child abuse.
Washita Part 1 With starvation spreading through the Cheyenne nation, raids on settlers increase as renegade Cheyenne Dog Soldiers scavenge for food. Chief Black Kettle reluctantly begins to lead his tribe to Fort Cobb in Indian Territory, where sanctuary and provisions are promised.
Washita Part 2 Dr. Mike and Sully are shocked to learn that Gen. Custer and his cavalry troops have been ordered to pursue the peaceful tribe into Indian Territory. They rush across country to warn them, but arrive too late to prevent the tragic bloodshed that results.
Sully’s Recovery While on his way to resign as Indian Agent after the U.S. Cavalry’s massacre of the Cheyenne, Sully comes upon Loren, who is badly injured and lost in the wilderness. Sully must battle his own spiritual despair in order to save him.
Ready or Not Dr. Mike and Sully begin to have second thoughts about their impending marriage as they look back on the rocky road they have traveled since falling in love. While meeting with Rev. Johnson for some pre-wedding counseling, they reflect on the amusing, touching and often dangerous events that have marked their relationship.
For Better or Worse Part 1 Colorado Springs prepares for the marriage of Sully and Dr Mike.  Dr Mike’s mother and sister arrive on the first train to town, planning to have a splendid society wedding. Meanwhile, General Custer has put a bounty on Cloud Dancing and Sully travels to warn him, putting himself and his wedding in danger.
For Better or Worse Part 2 Sully returns to Colorado Springs in time for his wedding to Dr. Mike.  The town is full of well-wishers and helpers as the wedding draws close.  However, Michaela’s mother is having a difficult time accepting her daughter’s future.  The wedding day ends up being full of surprises for all.
A New Life Dr. Mike and Sully return to Colorado Springs from their honeymoon and find the town changing in new and disturbing ways as they begin their life together. Meanwhile, Sully has the difficult job of persuading his Cheyenne friend, Cloud Dancing, to begin a new life of his own on a government reservation.
Traveling All Stars Dr. Mike and the other townsfolk take a crash course in baseball in order to challenge a traveling all-star team to raise money for civic improvements.  After the town’s team suffers a humiliating defeat, Otis James and his American All-Stars agree to split the profits from the match with the Colorado Springs team.
Mothers and Daughters As Dr. Mike becomes increasingly absorbed in her romantic life with Sully, Colleen, feeling rebellious, joins her school friends in dangerous and questionable escapades. When Brian also begins to feel ignored, Mike and Sully realize how important it is to balance their new life together between each other and the kids.
Brother’s Keeper Matthew and Ingrid are making final preparations for their wedding when she is bitten by young Brian’s pet, who had contracted rabies from a raccoon. While Matthew and the family struggle through their grief, Brian is overcome with his own feelings of guilt.
Halloween III Dr. Mike anguishes over an elderly patient, who has come seeking relief in the natural hot springs close to town. Meanwhile, as Dr. Mike and Sully approach the first Halloween since their wedding, Dr. Mike fears that she will be unable to convince him to attend the town’s festivities as Prince Charming to her own Cinderella.
Dorothy’s Book Dr. Mike and the other townsfolk are scandalized when Dorothy Jennings writes a book about her experiences in Colorado Springs.  The book, Dorothy’s first, becomes a big seller. But she is dismayed by the angry reaction of her friends and neighbors, who feel betrayed by the secrets she has revealed.
Promises, Promises Loren proposes marriage to Barbara, but he is cut down by a crippling stroke before she can give him her answer. Meanwhile, tension grows between Dr. Mike and Sully when an old friend writes a letter to Sully, asking him to go to Nevada to help him in the gold fields.
Expedition Part 1, The Dr. Mike intends to climb Pike’s Peak to mark her birthday.  Dorothy, Grace and Myra join Mike at the last minute.  Meanwhile, banker Preston Lodge takes advantage of the women’s absence to try to push through legislation that will enable him to build a mammoth hotel and casino in Colorado Springs.
Expedition Part 2, The Dorothy, Grace and Myra begin their walk home after giving up climbing Pike’s Peak. Undaunted, Dr. Mike pushes on by herself, but begins to regret her decision just as her friends regret their decision to give up.
One Touch of Nature As Thanksgiving approaches, Dr. Mike worries that she might be too old to conceive the child she and Sully desperately want to have.  Meanwhile, the townsfolk debate whether or not to share their annual feast with the Indians on the reservation.
Hell on Wheels Rushing to the railroad camp to battle an epidemic, Dr. Mike and Sully are shocked to find Matthew, heartbroken over the recent death of his fiance’, running the saloon there. Matthew has become self-destructive, even volunteering for a highly dangerous blasting job that has already killed a number of railway workers.
Fifi’s First Christmas As the town prepares for Christmas, Dr. Mike receives an unexpected gift from her mother – a miniature poodle named Fifi who raises havoc throughout Colorado Springs. Meanwhile, the Reverend Johnson runs into difficulty recruiting townsfolk for the living Nativity he wants to stage to celebrate the holiday.
Change of Heart Dr. Mike becomes the first woman accepted into the prestigious American Medical Society, but the welcome news doesn’t help her diagnose a young black boy’s deadly illness. Meanwhile, Matthew – who is also still grieving over the death of his fiance’ – is sent an unusual present from Hank.
Tin Star Guest Star Travis Tritt – Matthew runs for and is elected sheriff of Colorado Springs.  Dr. Mike is terrified for Matthew’s safety when he must face down a notorious gunfighter who has come to town to free his brother from jail.
If You Love Someone… After a long period of grieving over his lost fiancee, Matthew finally falls in love.  Dr. Mike is distressed when she learns the new object of Matthew’s affection is in the employ of the local bordello owner
Iceman Cometh, The While Dr. Mike is away in Denver, a charlatan passes through town selling shares in a non-existent new invention and nearly everyone in Colorado Springs buys into the scam. In the end, only Dr. Mike can save her neighbors from financial ruin.
Dead or Alive Part 1 When a politician’s son is kidnapped by a fierce, legendary mountain man, only Sully can lead a rescue party to the remote site where a highly unusual ransom is to be paid. Meanwhile, back at home, overwork causes Dr. Mike to hemorrhage, seriously threatening her pregnancy with miscarriage.
Dead or Alive Part 2 After Ezra Leonard offers a $1,000 reward for the capture – or death — of the mountain man who kidnapped his son, Sully’s rescue party turns into an unruly mob. Back in Colorado Springs, Dr. Mike is frustrated that a near-miscarriage limits her to bed-rest, while a physician she dislikes takes over her practice.
Deal with the Devil Guest Star Fred Rogers – News that his former teacher and mentor is arriving within a month has Reverend Johnson urgently trying to make a good impression by attempting to raise enough money to fix up his dilapidated church.
Eye for an Eye When a drifter is convicted of violating a young girl and murdering an old man, he is sentenced to death. Emotions run high and Matthew is forced to take a strong stand to maintain law and order as the execution approaches.
Hearts and Minds Dr. Mike and the Rev. Johnson are excited to see the opening of a school on the Indian reservation and regard it as very positive and necessary.  Cloud Dancing sees the school as the final destruction of Indian culture and is willing to fight to preserve Indian ways.
Reunion When Dr. Mike’s dearest college friend, Dr. Miriam Tilson, comes to town for a reunion, the two women are happy to see one another, but they soon resort to restoring the competitive relationship they had in their earlier years.
Woman of the Year When Dr. Mike is nominated for Colorado’s Woman of the Year, the people of Colorado Springs begin regaling the contest judge with stories about her great accomplishments. As the accounts grow, Dr. Mike begins to feel a tremendous pressure to live up to everyone’s vision of who she is.
Last Chance As the time for her baby’s birth draws near, Dr. Mike tries to cut back on her clinic hours, but when Cloud Dancing is stabbed and Emma is found to have a potentially deadly tumor, she feels that her patients must come first.
Fear Itself Guest Star Denise Crosby – When artist Isabelle Maynard arrives in Colorado Springs, she is befriended by everyone.  When the townspeople learn that the artist carries a terrifying disease, their friendship turns to fear and Dr. Mike must choose between possibly infecting her unborn baby and her desire to cure a patient.
One Nation Dr. Mike tries to save the life of a young soldier accidentally shot during a scuffle between the Army and the Indians, and Sully tries to save Cloud Dancing’s life after he confesses to the crime.  Preston intends to stop Dorothy from printing a fair-minded editorial about the incident in her newspaper.
When a Child Is Born Part 1 As the time nears for Dr. Mike’s baby to be born, Sully is injured trying to rescue Cloud Dancing and other Indians who were taken away by the Army. Meanwhile, Dr. Mike’s family brings a new doctor, Andrew Cook to town.
When a Child Is Born Part 2 After Cloud Dancing leads Dr. Mike through the wilderness to the wounded Sully, she suddenly goes into labor.  As the townspeople scour the countryside looking for her and Sully, Dr. Mike must depend on her injured husband to help with a difficult delivery.
Runaway Train Dr. Mike is ready to return to work, but suddenly must lead a rescue party when Sully and Cloud Dancing are victims of a train wreck caused by robbers.  Meanwhile, the townspeople are reluctant to see Dr. Cook return to Boston and have Dr. Mike return to her practice.
Having It All Dr. Mike feels overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions and seriously considers turning her medical practice over to young Dr. Cook for good, as she tries to cope with being a wife, mother and career woman.  Meanwhile, Dorothy helps Sully bring some romance back into his marriage by courting Dr. Mike again.
Malpractice Guest Star Stacy Keach Sr. – A baby dies under Dr. Mike’s care and the parents sue her for malpractice and prevent her from practicing medicine.  Dr. Andrew Cook reluctantly takes over her practice leaving Michaela searching for answers as to why the baby died.
All That Glitters Guest Star Barbara Mandrell – A wildly popular singer, Gilda St. Clair, comes to town, secretly ill from a life-threatening throat ailment and looking for Dr. Mike’s help. Emma finally gains acceptance from the town’s women when Gilda asks her to make a concert dress.
Los Americanos Dr. Mike and Sully temporarily halt their search for godparents for Katie in order to help a Latin-American woman whose husband dies after being mauled by a mountain lion. The distraught young widow blames Michaela for not saving her husband and causes Dr. Mike to reconsider how she is caring for her own family.
Last Dance When Sully is offered a job helping to survey the new National Park at Yellowstone in Wyoming, Dr. Mike is faced with the daunting prospect of leaving her practice and all their friends and moving into the wilderness with a new-born baby.
Right or Wrong When Jake and Preston run against one another for mayor of Colorado Springs, they both want Dr. Mike’s endorsement, until she is arrested and thrown in jail for treating a fugitive Indian who Sully and Cloud Dancing took away from the Army.
Remember Me Guest Star Ray Walston – Dr. Mike tries to reunite a father and son before it’s too late when a sick old prospector staggers into town and Jake Slicker recognizes him as his father, who deserted his family years before.  The huge gold nugget the prospector waves around town ignites gold fever in Colorado Springs.
Legend Guest Star Willie Nelson – Dr. Mike, Sully and Matthew join forces with a legendary marshal to track down the outlaws who wounded Matthew during a bank robbery. The townspeople begin to question whether or not Matthew can really carry out the responsibilities of being sheriff since he doesn’t wear a gun.
Tempest, The As Dr. Mike and the other residents of Colorado Springs are preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday and the grand opening of Preston’s new hotel, they are completely unaware that a dangerous storm is approaching which will threaten their lives.
Separate but Equal Robert E. sets up a school for the local black children and Grace begins to teach. When it becomes apparent that their own son, Anthony, needs much more advanced schooling than the black school can provide, Grace and Robert E. try to enroll him in the white school, causing a stir in Colorado Springs.
A Place to Die As Dr. Mike searches for the answer to why a deadly and mysterious infection haunts her clinic, the townspeople begin to fear coming in for treatment. Unable to find out what is causing the deaths, Dr. Mike makes a fateful decision that could mean destroying everything she has worked for through the years.
Season of Miracles Brian suffers a crisis of faith when the Rev. Johnson is suddenly stricken with progressive blindness. The townspeople are saddened by the Rev. Johnson’s affliction, but Brian sees the condition as God’s way of punishing the clergyman. Reverend Johnson’s faith is also tested, causing him to make a surprise decision concerning the Christmas Eve service.
Dam, The Guest Star Stacy Keach Sr. – Sully joins forces with Preston to try and stop the construction of a dam which would flood hundreds of acres of countryside.  Matthew is forced to arrest Sully for his actions, sending him to jail and causing tension in the family.
Farewell Appearance Guest Star David Ogden Stiers – On a visit to Colorado Springs, Dr. Mike’s revered Uncle Theodore shocks her and Sully by criticizing their parenting skills with regard to Brian and offering to take Brian back with him to Boston.  Dr. Mike soon realizes that her uncle is attempting to replace his own lost son with Brian.
Most Fatal Disease, The Guest Stars Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash – Dr. Mike thinks that the marriage of Kid Cole and Sister Ruth is unraveling and the couple is heading for divorce for no apparent reason.  She soon learns a troubling secret Cole is attempting to hide from his wife.
Colleen’s Paper When Colleen, who is working on a college paper, asks Dr. Mike to recall her most memorable case, Dr. Mike begins to look back and reminisce on the five turbulent years she’s lived and worked in the western frontier town of Colorado Springs.
A House Divided Part 1 Guest Star John Schneider – Sully and Dr. Mike are struggling to make the monthly bank payment on their homestead as Sully’s friend Daniel arrives in town for a visit.  With Sully out of town, Preston and the bank call in his loan, threatening to take the homestead if the money owed isn’t paid in full.
A House Divided Part 2 Guest Star John Schneider – Sully’s friend Daniel pays the bank loan for the homestead in full, causing a strained relationship between the friends.  Matters are made worse when others in town notice Daniel’s affection for Michaela.
Hostage Guest Stars David Carradine and James Keach – After Dr. Mike and Brian are taken hostage in their home by two desperate outlaws, they watch helplessly as Sully is shot.   Now, Sully must count on his friends to overcome his injuries and rescue Dr. Mike before their time runs out.
Body Electric, The Guest Star Donald Moffat – Dr. Mike and others in town excitedly welcome the famous writer and poet Walt Whitman to Colorado Springs for a series of lectures and readings, until rumors about his personal life begin to circulate amongst the community.
Before the Dawn Guest Star Helene Udy – In an attempt to bring Horace out of his depressed state, Dr.  Mike sends for Horace’s estranged wife, Myra, and their young daughter, Samantha, in the hopes that they will cheer him up.  But her “cure” does more damage than good.
Starting Over Guest Star Alley Mills – When Dr. Mike’s sister, Marjorie, arrives in town, it’s obvious that she’s become a very independent, liberated woman.  Marjorie’s cosmopolitan ways are initially intriguing to the open-minded Dr. Mike, but when Marjorie’s relationship with Loren Bray escalates at an amazing pace, Mike begins to question Marjorie’s character.
His Father’s Son When Brian’s misbehavior with his friend Anthony puts the family and the town in danger, Michaela and Sully realize that Brian needs — and wants — Sully to act as Brian’s real father and give the boy the boundaries he needs.
Moment of Truth Part 1 Sully becomes a wanted man when he defies a government order banning him from setting foot on the Cheyenne reservation.   He begins to plan a daring and dangerous escape attempt for his friend Cloud Dancing.
Moment of Truth Part 2 Sully and Cloud Dancing seek refuge from the Army in the canyons.  When Sully and Cloud Dancing spot soldiers closing in on them, Sully draws the soldiers away from Cloud Dancing and finds himself trapped on a ledge by Sergeant O’Connor, a man who has wanted to kill Sully for years.
Reason to Believe Sully suffers life-threatening injuries while escaping from the Calvary.  Dr. Mike and friend Daniel Simon begin a desperate search to find Sully before he loses too much blood.  Meanwhile, Dorothy Jennings rides out in search of Cloud Dancing to ask for his help in finding their missing friend.
All That Matters The citizens of Colorado Springs think Sully is dead.  Dr. Mike keeps her man hidden for weeks as she tries to nurse him back to health and protect him from the Army.  Only Sergeant McKay suspects Sully may still be alive, and he continues his investigation to find Sully and arrest him.
A Matter of Conscience Believing that Sully is responsible for the Indian raids on the town, Hank publicly accuses Dr. Mike of lying about Sully’s death, names himself sheriff of Colorado Springs, and sets out to find Sully and bring him to Justice.
Comfort of Friends, The While filled with anxiety about Sully, who remains in hiding from the army, Dr. Mike begins to suspect she may be pregnant again. Dr. Mike tries to keep her suspicions a secret and is deeply embarrassed when word leaks out among the townspeople before she can even tell Sully.
Wave Goodbye Dr. Mike becomes alarmed when a Russian princess visits Preston’s Springs Chateau Hotel for a vacation and soon has the townsfolk convinced that she is a seer with ties to the spirit world. The princess astounds the citizens, including the skeptical Dr. Mike, with her seemingly vast knowledge of their private lives and concerns.
A Place Called Home Dr. Mike struggles with the burden of telling Grace and Robert E. that their adopted son might not survive his mysterious illness. Meanwhile, Sully is determined to convince renegade braves to return to the reservation and prevent more violence between them and the settlers.
Lead Me Not Guest Star Alley Mills – Dr. Mike’s sister, Marjorie, returns to Colorado Springs as a member of the Women’s Temperance League to outlaw alcohol. Marjorie happens to arrive while Jake is drowning his insecurities over Teresa Morales.  Some in town also suspect that Grace may be inadvertently abusing alcohol through the “tonic” she takes to help her sleep.
A Time to Heal Part 1 Guest Stars Georgann Johnson, Alley Mills and Elinor Donohue – Dr. Mike sends her children to stay at Sully’s hideout while she battles a deadly diphtheria epidemic that threatens the entire town.  Meanwhile, Mike’s mother, Elizabeth, and sister Rebecca arrive for a Thanksgiving visit and refuse to leave, despite the danger caused by the disease.
A Time to Heal Part 2 Guest Stars Georgann Johnson, Alley Mills and Elinor Donohue – Dr. Mike fears she won’t be able to save her sister, Marjorie.  Daniel and Preston both fall seriously ill as the diphtheria epidemic continues to rage.
Civil Wars Dr. Mike reluctantly takes on the role of temporary judge when Horace sues Hank for accidentally breaking his nose.  The court case sets off a flurry of lawsuits and countersuits among many of the citizens of Colorado Springs.
Safe Passage Dr. Mike matches wits with a notorious Indian hater, Major Samuel Morrison, as she tries to mediate a peace treaty between Black Cloud’s braves and the cavalry.  If approved, the treaty would include a pardon for Sully, which would allow him to return home.
Homecoming Dr. Mike and Sully begin the trip home for Christmas.  They are delayed when they meet a hapless young married couple from the east wandering in the wilderness.  The couple is trying to find a settlement established by their relatives, but are hopelessly lost.
Point Blank Dr. Mike’s life takes a startling turn when she’s shot point blank by a man with a grudge against all doctors. Dr. Mike suffers nightmares from the trauma and is afraid to leave her house. Meanwhile, Daniel goes off in pursuit of the shooter, who is wanted for the murder of three other doctors.
Seeds of Doubt Colleen is flattered by a new suitor’s attentions, but Dr. Mike is suspicious of his intentions. Spurning her mother’s advice of taking it slowly with this out-of-towner, Colleen continues to see her new beau,
but she soon realizes she’s in over her head when he becomes dangerous.
Seven Kinds of Lonely Dr. Mike tries to prevent Loren from leaving Colorado Springs when she learns he secretly plans to sell his store and move away out of grief over the death of Marjorie.  Meanwhile, the town prepares for its annual “Sweethearts Dance,” but there is trouble in the air.
Life in the Balance When members of a group of Chinese pass through town looking for work, they fall victim to fever.  Dr. Mike finds herself working  with a Cantonese herbalist to find a cure.  Meanwhile, Hank plans to drive the group from town because he fears they will cause an epidemic.
Happily Ever After As Jake and Teresa look forward to their wedding day, they welcome some of Teresa’s family to town. The visit turns sour when her visiting aunt takes an immediate dislike to Jake and tries to prevent the marriage.
Birdman Dr. Mike grapples with her fear for Brian’s safety when the youngster befriends a seemingly harmless but eccentric fellow who thinks he’s a bird and covers himself with feathers in an attempt to fly.  Michaela learns more about the man and must decide between returning him to an asylum, or allowing him to carry on his self-deception in peace.
Vengeance Guest Star Willie Nelson – U.S. Marshall Elias Burch asks Matthew, still a student of law, to defend him when he’s accused of murder. With Burch’s life in the balance and little evidence to support his claim of self-defense, fledgling lawyer Matthew, with help from Dr. Mike, sets out to find the truth.
To Have and to Hold Michaela stumbles and falls, sustaining a head injury, and Sully must keep her awake to prevent her from slipping into a coma.  Together they reminisce about the many different experiences — good and bad — they’ve shared together and then make a pivotal decision about their future.
Fight, The Guest Star Richard Roundtree – When a boxer comes through town, Dr. Mike discovers that he is on the verge of losing his eyesight if he continues boxing.  She implores him to retire from the ring.  Choosing to reject the doctor’s order, the boxer goes into the ring with Robert E. for what may be his last fight.
A New Beginning Dr. Mike’s elation at Colleen’s acceptance to medical school quickly turns to disappointment when Colleen chooses to marry Andrew instead.  Meanwhile, Jake breaks the news to Hank that he has accepted Preston’s offer to buy his share of the Golden Nugget.