The Bounty Hunter (1954) Randolph Scott stars! A tough and seasoned bounty hunter, hired by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, trails three unknown and murderous train robbers. The dangerous bandits’ trail leads to a mining town full of secrets and suspects. Did You Know? This movie was filmed at several ranches around the Los Angeles area and the Mojave Desert. From 1951-1954, Randolph Scott teamed up with director Andre De Toth on six Westerns. Filmed in 3-D (though released in 2-D). Director Andre De Toth only had one eye and couldn’t see in 3-D. You may also like... The Randolph Scott Story Randolph Scott: Everybody’s Favorite Cowboy For over 30 years, Randolph Scott starred in everything from war films to crime... READ MORE Seven Men from Now—The Inside Scoop on How Randolph Scott Got the Lead 7 MEN PLUS 5 – RANDOLPH SCOTT AND THE RANOWN FILMS By Henry C. Parke In the classic Western, 7 Men from Now, Randolph Scott tracks... READ MORE
The Randolph Scott Story Randolph Scott: Everybody’s Favorite Cowboy For over 30 years, Randolph Scott starred in everything from war films to crime... READ MORE
Seven Men from Now—The Inside Scoop on How Randolph Scott Got the Lead 7 MEN PLUS 5 – RANDOLPH SCOTT AND THE RANOWN FILMS By Henry C. Parke In the classic Western, 7 Men from Now, Randolph Scott tracks... READ MORE