The Bounty Hunter (1954) Randolph Scott stars! A tough and seasoned bounty hunter, hired by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, trails three unknown and murderous train robbers. The dangerous bandits’ trail leads to a mining town full of secrets and suspects. Did You Know? This movie was filmed at several ranches around the Los Angeles area and the Mojave Desert. From 1951-1954, Randolph Scott teamed up with director Andre De Toth on six Westerns. Filmed in 3-D (though released in 2-D). Director Andre De Toth only had one eye and couldn’t see in 3-D. You may also like... Hollywood’s Dynamic Duos—John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara, Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott… Dynamic Duos: Shining a Spotlight on the Best Trailblazing Tag Teams From saddlebags to six-shooters, boots to biscuits, facts are... READ MORE Seven Men from Now—The Inside Scoop on How Randolph Scott Got the Lead 7 MEN PLUS 5 – RANDOLPH SCOTT AND THE RANOWN FILMS By Henry C. Parke In the classic Western, 7 Men from Now, Randolph Scott tracks... READ MORE
Hollywood’s Dynamic Duos—John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara, Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott… Dynamic Duos: Shining a Spotlight on the Best Trailblazing Tag Teams From saddlebags to six-shooters, boots to biscuits, facts are... READ MORE
Seven Men from Now—The Inside Scoop on How Randolph Scott Got the Lead 7 MEN PLUS 5 – RANDOLPH SCOTT AND THE RANOWN FILMS By Henry C. Parke In the classic Western, 7 Men from Now, Randolph Scott tracks... READ MORE