Flying Tigers (1942) John Wayne, John Carroll, and Anna Lee star! Inspired by the real-life pilots who served in the American Volunteer Group (AVG) in the skies of China from 1941-1942! The movie begins before the United State entered WWII. Pilot Jim Gordon leads an American pilot squadron called the Fighting Tigers as they volunteer to help the Chinese fight off Japanese invaders. The Japanese pilots greatly outnumber the Americans, and the group sustains heavy losses. Jim is desperate for more pilots, so he must take a chance on men who haven’t always shown the best judgment. Now Jim wonders: will these men make him proud…or will they be the death of the Flying Tigers? You may also like... John Wayne, Meet John Ford Through a variety of connections, the now aspiring actor got a job at a movie studio, but not as an actor—as a prop boy, where he... READ MORE The Big Boots Birthday Boys Quiz How well do you know these INSP fan favorite cowboys, who just happen to share May birthdays? Let’s find out! It’s showdown time!... READ MORE
John Wayne, Meet John Ford Through a variety of connections, the now aspiring actor got a job at a movie studio, but not as an actor—as a prop boy, where he... READ MORE
The Big Boots Birthday Boys Quiz How well do you know these INSP fan favorite cowboys, who just happen to share May birthdays? Let’s find out! It’s showdown time!... READ MORE