A Few Good Men Stars Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland, directed by Rob Reiner and written by Aaron Sorkin! Nominated for four Academy Awards and five Golden Globes! An intense and inspiring military courtroom drama about facing and overcoming enormous odds to see justice prevail. Often disrespectful and blatantly defiant when it came to rules and chain of command, Private William Santiago is hardly the model Marine. He wants out of Cuba, so he requests a transfer. But base commander Colonel Nathan Jessup thinks all he needs is additional training. Now he’s dead…and Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey stand accused. As the two face a court martial for killing Santiago, naval investigator and lawyer, Lieutenant Commander JoAnne Galloway is suspicious of the circumstances leading up to Santiago’s death, and the subsequent arrest of Dawson and Downey. She asks to represent the defendants, but is turned down. Instead, the case is given to inexperienced JAG lawyer Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee. Kaffee is not known for his prowess in the courtroom. In fact, he’s never taken a case to trial, always advising his clients to plea bargain. He’s seen as lazy and somewhat incompetent, but his less than eager attitude has little to do with lack of skill, motivation and intelligence, and more to do with deep-seeded family issues. Naturally, after meeting with Dawson and Downey, he prepares to pitch the plea bargain deal. Meanwhile, Galloway manages to get assigned to Downey, individually, and soon butts heads with Kaffee. When Kaffee and fellow defense team member Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, present the deal to Dawson and Downey, they flat out refuse, claiming they followed orders and never meant for Santiago to die. In Galloway’s mind, their explanation confirms her suspicions that a “Code Red,” an unofficial disciplinary order to bully, demean or physically assault a Marine into submission, was issued. Of course, all would deny that “Code Red” even exists, so to build a case on the premise was not only risky, but also near impossible to win. Now, Kaffee has no choice but to go to trial, and stand face-to-face accusing the powerful Colonel Jessup of issuing an illegal order—an accusation that could find Kaffee at his own court martial. You may also like... The Duke Lives! Inside the New John Wayne Exhibit—Winner of the Best Museum in Fort Worth 2022! Inside the New John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit. Winner! Best Museum in Fort Worth 2022! Sprawling over 10,000 square feet,... READ MORE Magnificent Seven Movies—The Legacy, the Stories, the Stars—Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Lee Van Cleef… We’ve got just what you need to fill your weekend with pulse-pounding thrills: a Magnificent 7 Movie Weekend! Starting Saturday at... READ MORE
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Magnificent Seven Movies—The Legacy, the Stories, the Stars—Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Lee Van Cleef… We’ve got just what you need to fill your weekend with pulse-pounding thrills: a Magnificent 7 Movie Weekend! Starting Saturday at... READ MORE