What Do You Know About T.R.?
Smart as a whip, strong as an ox, a hardworking cowboy, and President of the United States—that’s Theodore Roosevelt
Think you know a lot about America’s 26th President? Let’s find out—play now!
Following the death of his mother and wife on the same day, T.R. left his newborn daughter with his sister and headed out to the Badlands in North Dakota to grieve and become a cowboy!
The correct answer is...
Following the death of his mother and wife on the same day, T.R. left his newborn daughter with his sister and headed out to the Badlands in North Dakota to grieve and become a cowboy!
It took T.R. a long time, but eventually, he learned how to ride Western style, rope, and hunt. The locals didn’t think of him as a great cowboy, but they did come to respect him.
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It took T.R. a long time, but eventually, he learned how to ride Western style, rope, and hunt. The locals didn’t think of him as a great cowboy, but they did come to respect him.
T.R. hired two men to oversee his cattle operation at Maltese Ranch and helped them build his new home at Elkhorn Ranch.
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T.R. hired two men to oversee his cattle operation at Maltese Ranch and helped them build his new home at Elkhorn Ranch.
Theodore Roosevelt wrote articles for national publications and wrote three books about his life in the Badlands: Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail, and The Wilderness Hunter.
The correct answer is...
Theodore Roosevelt wrote articles for national publications and wrote three books about his life in the Badlands: Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail, and The Wilderness Hunter.
Roosevelt organized local ranchers into The Little Missouri Stockman’s Association to solve problems like overgrazing; and The Boone and Crocket Club, which sought to conserve big game animals and their habitats.
The correct answer is...
Roosevelt organized local ranchers into The Little Missouri Stockman’s Association to solve problems like overgrazing; and The Boone and Crocket Club, which sought to conserve big game animals and their habitats.
When the United States waged war on Spain, Theodore volunteered to lead a band of soldiers into the war. These men were dubbed “The Rough Riders” by the press. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in a charge up Kettle Hill. When he came home, he was a national hero.
The correct answer is...
When the United States waged war on Spain, Theodore volunteered to lead a band of soldiers into the war. These men were dubbed “The Rough Riders” by the press. Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in a charge up Kettle Hill. When he came home, he was a national hero.
Formally the Governor of New York, republicans nominated him to be Vice President on the McKinley ticket. After McKinley was assassinated, he became President in 1901.
The correct answer is...
Formally the Governor of New York, republicans nominated him to be Vice President on the McKinley ticket. After McKinley was assassinated, he became President in 1901.
He said that he was most proud of his work on Conservation. He absolutely believed that it was important to keep land unspoiled and to prevent animals from being hunted to extinction. He believed we owed that to future generations.
The correct answer is...
He said that he was most proud of his work on Conservation. He absolutely believed that it was important to keep land unspoiled and to prevent animals from being hunted to extinction. He believed we owed that to future generations.
His conservation efforts led to the establishment of 150 national forests, five national parks, and much more. In all, Theodore Roosevelt protected about 230 million acres of land.
The correct answer is...
His conservation efforts led to the establishment of 150 national forests, five national parks, and much more. In all, Theodore Roosevelt protected about 230 million acres of land.
What can we say? Most people think of him as Teddy (as in the Teddy Bear plush toy named in his honor since he wouldn’t kill an old defenseless bear). Fun Fact: Theodore Roosevelt hated the nickname, Teddy!
The correct answer is...
What can we say? Most people think of him as Teddy (as in the Teddy Bear plush toy named in his honor since he wouldn’t kill an old defenseless bear). Fun Fact: Theodore Roosevelt hated the nickname, Teddy!
You’re a Theodore Roosevelt Aficionado
Impressive! It’s like you and Theodore Roosevelt were lifelong friends.
You’re a Theodore Roosevelt Maven
Great! You’re a fan of T.R’s and know better than to call him Teddy.
You’re a Theodore Roosevelt Enthusiast
Pretty good! There’s a lot to learn about T.R., but you’re up to the challenge!
You’re a Theodore Roosevelt Frontiersman
You did fine, but like T.R. when he arrived in the Badlands, you’re a greenhorn! We bet T.R. himself would teach you to ride, rope, and survive the frontier.