Plot Twist Trivia: Jesse Stone

Tom Selleck is Jesse Stone—and he is a commanding presence in this series of riveting mysteries. Here’s another compelling mystery: Can you match the plot to the movie title? Is that really the plot of Stone Cold? Or is it Thin Ice? Or maybe it’s not a Jesse Stone movie at all!
Click TRUE, if you think it IS the plot. FALSE if you think it’s NOT the plot. Let’s play!

You Got out of right!
You Are Jesse Stone’s Deputy Chief
Congrats! You earned the second-in-command spot in Paradise! Jesse counts on you to hold down the fort in his absence.
You Are Jesse Stone’s Sergeant
Great job! Jesse counts on you to fight crime and train the new officers on the job in Paradise!
You Are Jesse Stone’s Top Detective
You’re a super sleuth! In a small town like Paradise, Jesse counts on you to solve all kinds of cases—from burglaries to murder!
You Are Jesse Stone’s New Police Officer
You may be fresh out of the Police Academy, but Jesse expects you to be an all-around good cop—from making arrests, to walking the beat, to writing parking tickets. It’s all in a day’s work in Paradise!