Movie Title Trivia: Louis L’Amour Edition

If you love Louis L’Amour books and the many classic Western films based on his captivating tales, you just might ace this quiz! We’ll give you a movie title, and if you think it is based on a L’Amour book choose TRUE. If you think it’s not, choose FALSE. Simple right? Read carefully—we have some tricks up our sleeves! Let’s play!

You Got out of right!
You’re a L’Amour Connoisseur
Congrats! You nailed it! You know L’Amour’s work chapter and verse!
You’re a L’Amour Tour de Force
Excellent job! You know L’Amour’s work like the die-hard Western fan you are!
You’re a L’Amour Afficionado
Well done! You have an impressive knowledge of L’Amour’s work!
You’re a L’Amour Enthusiast
Pretty good! You have solid basic knowledge of L’Amour’s work!