How Well Do You Know Frontiersman Jim Bridger?

We’re Telling Tales About the Teller of Tall Tales!

The entertaining frontiersman Jim Bridger was famous for his fanciful storytelling. Now we’re telling tidbits about the man himself! Tall tales or true stories? Take this trivia quiz, and you be the judge!

All that trailblazing must have made him hardy! Bridger died on July 17, 1881, at age 77.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
All that trailblazing must have made him hardy! Bridger died on July 17, 1881, at age 77.
Bridger was a family man. Like many mountain men, he married Native women. Throughout his life, he married three times and had five children.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Bridger was a family man. Like many mountain men, he married Native women. Throughout his life, he married three times and had five children.
Hold onto your halo! It’s true! Mountain man Jedediah Smith said Bridger possessed the skills of the Angel Gabriel—and Bridger became known as “Old Gabe.”
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Hold onto your halo! It’s true! Mountain man Jedediah Smith said Bridger possessed the skills of the Angel Gabriel—and Bridger became known as “Old Gabe.”
Up until Bridger was 8 years old, his family were easterners, living in quaint Richmond Virginia.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Up until Bridger was 8 years old, his family were easterners, living in quaint Richmond Virginia.
Bridger was quite a storyteller, but he couldn’t read or write.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Bridger was quite a storyteller, but he couldn’t read or write.
He sure could! The man was a human GPS.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
He sure could! The man was a human GPS.
Bridger had a multi-lingual gift of gab!
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Bridger had a multi-lingual gift of gab!
Bridger was born in 1804 when Lewis and Clark, already in their 30s, ventured into the wilderness.
Incorrect. The correct answer is...
Bridger was born in 1804 when Lewis and Clark, already in their 30s, ventured into the wilderness.

You Got out of right!

You’re as Brilliant as Bridger!

You know your stuff! You can navigate the lay of the land as well as Jim Bridger!

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You’re as Boisterous as Bridger!

Your audience awaits! Sign up for the next comedy open mic night because you can spin an exciting tale as well as Jim Bridger.

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You’re as Bold as Bridger!

You might need a bit more schooling in the wilderness, but for sure, you’re as brave as Jim Bridger!

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You’re as Blissful as Bridger!

You’re not ready for wilderness exploration, but let’s start with a party around a fire pit! Because, like Bridger, you have a positive attitude, and love to laugh and entertain.

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