Guess the Gunsmoke Quote Quiz

Word on the Street…in Dodge!
There’s lots of chatter among the citizens of Dodge City! But who’s doing the talking? Marshal Matt Dillon? Miss Kitty? Festus? Or is it someone quite unexpected?
See if you can tell who said what in this fun Gunsmoke quiz.

You Got out of right!
You’re a Gunsmoke Regular Character!
Wow! You know all the dirt going down in Dodge—and know exactly who said it! We’ll see you hanging out at The Long Branch with the popular kids!
You’re a Gunsmoke Recurring Character!
Good work! You’re a familiar face around Dodge and can usually get the scoop on all the goings-on—and who’s saying what! You’re always welcome at The Long Branch!
You’re a Gunsmoke Guest Character!
Nicely done! You might not pass through Dodge often, but when you do, you’re right in the middle of most of the town talk. Listen up! Your friends are waiting for you at The Long Branch.
You’re a Gunsmoke Cast Extra!
Not bad! But be careful not to get lost in the crowd or stuck in the background. You know what people are saying, but not necessarily who’s saying it. No worries. You’ll have your moment in the spotlight!