Blue Willow Movie Match

Order Up! Get Your Blue Plate Special!
Do you recognize the distinctive blue patterned dishes in movies like Gunfight at Comanche Creek, Ride a Crooked Trail, and Hombre, to name just a few? You might even have a few pieces in your kitchen!
Yes, when hard-riding cowboys sat down to a hearty meal, their steaks and beans were often served on Blue Willow China.
Now the fun part! See if you can match the Blue Willow China to the correct movie.

You Got out of right!
A Blue Willow Blue Blood!
Just like fine china, you’re among the Blue Willow elite! Congrats! Keep watching INSP and be on the lookout for Blue Willow China in other shows and movies.
A True-Blue, Blue Willow Fan!
You know your Westerns and your Blue Willow! Great job! Congrats! Keep watching INSP and be on the lookout for Blue Willow China in other shows and movies.
By the Blue Willow Blue Book!
Well done! You might have missed some, but you gave a solid, book-smart performance! Keep watching INSP and be on the lookout for Blue Willow China in other shows and movies.
Sing those Blue Willow Blues!
We hear you wailing that sad, sad song! But don’t be blue; you got some answers right! So cheer up, and keep watching INSP and be on the lookout for Blue Willow China in other shows and movies.