Blue Ridge: True or False Are your investigative skills as sharp as the sheriff and deputies in Blue Ridge? See how well you pay attention to the details in this true or false quiz about the colorful characters that make up this small town. Ready. Set. Sleuth! Correct! False Sheriff Wise was a member of the Army’s Special Forces Green Beret before moving to Blue Ridge. The correct answer is... False Sheriff Wise was a member of the Army’s Special Forces Green Beret before moving to Blue Ridge. Correct! False Sheriff Wise chose a Honey Bun at Harvey’s because it has less cinnamon. The correct answer is... False Sheriff Wise chose a Honey Bun at Harvey’s because it has less cinnamon. Correct! False Country music runs deep in Jeremiah Wade’s bones. The correct answer is... False Country music runs deep in Jeremiah Wade’s bones. Correct! True Vivian quickly became the most hated resident in Blue Ridge with she announced the development of the golf resort. The correct answer is... True Vivian quickly became the most hated resident in Blue Ridge with she announced the development of the golf resort. Correct! False "Old Man" Cliff, the notorious McGrath family leader, mourns the loss of his daughter The correct answer is... False "Old Man" Cliff, the notorious McGrath family leader, mourns the loss of his daughter Correct! True Much to Deputy Thompson’s dismay, Deputy Dobson’s rock beats out his scissors. The correct answer is... True Much to Deputy Thompson’s dismay, Deputy Dobson’s rock beats out his scissors. Correct! True As they pull up to the McGrath’s property, Deputy Dobson warns Sheriff Wise that their interruption will not be welcome. The correct answer is... True As they pull up to the McGrath’s property, Deputy Dobson warns Sheriff Wise that their interruption will not be welcome. Correct! True Deputy Dobson spills the beans about Deputy Thompson’s crush to Sheriff Wise The correct answer is... True Deputy Dobson spills the beans about Deputy Thompson’s crush to Sheriff Wise Correct! True Elli is kind enough to let her ex-husband and his team bunker down at the diner to solve the crime. The correct answer is... True Elli is kind enough to let her ex-husband and his team bunker down at the diner to solve the crime. Correct! False The Wade and McGrath family have been fighting over land as far back as anyone can remember. The correct answer is... False The Wade and McGrath family have been fighting over land as far back as anyone can remember. You Got out of right! True Detective Wow! Looks like nothing can get by you, now that’s some great detective work. Celebrate your success by watching Blue Ridge on IMDb today. Share the Results Rookie Detective Good job! You’re well on your way to expert level. See what you missed by watching Blue Ridge on IMDb today. Share the Results Detective in Training We all have our off day, you can’t solve them all! See what you missed by watching Blue Ridge on IMDb today. Share the Results Detective Dud You might not have solved the crime, but every mistake is a learning opportunity. Reexamine the evidence by watching Blue Ridge on IMDb today. Share the Results Want more INSP fun? Sign up for the newsletter! First Name Required: Enter More than two characters. Last Name Required: Enter More than two characters. Invalid Email: Enter another email. Invalid Zip Code: Enter another zip code. Invalid Date: Must be mm/dd/yyyy First Name: Last Name: Email: Birthday: Zip: Provider: Please Enter Your Zipcode How did you hear about us? Select Option California Xfinity Store EventINSP.comSocial MediaTelevisionGoogle/Search EngineFamily/ Friend/ HeroINSP Info CardOther Website Texas Xfinity Store EventWICT