When people think of the family pet, more than likely, they’re picturing a cuddly cat or tail-wagging pup. Folks who live in rural settings have a whole different perspective on their fine feathered and cute furry friends. The Waltons have taken in their fair share of creatures over the years. Let’s celebrate their pets—and have a little fun!
Don’t peek at the answers! Grandma wouldn’t like that!
Place your virtual bets on this cross-country race. Which jockey will cross the finish line first? John-Boy on the mule? Or the rich guy on his fancy thoroughbred?
*Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer
Which furry friend does Elizabeth adopt?
Which of these winged creatures was not a Waltons pet?
a) Peacock
b) Canary
c) Goose
d) Duck *Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer
See if you can match the Waltons’ pets with their correct names.
Which jockey will cross the finish line first? John-Boy on the mule? Or the rich guy on his fancy thoroughbred? Answer: If you put your virtual money on the longshot, you win our virtual applause!
Which furry friend does Elizabeth adopt? Answer: Racoon
Which of these winged creatures was not a Waltons pet? Answer: C) Goose! The peacock and duck belonged to Jim Bob. The canary was a gift from Jim Bob to Grandma.
See if you can match the Waltons’ pets with their correct names. Answers: Blue (Mule); Chance (cow); Reckless (dog); Rover (peacock); Lance (deer); Myrtle (goat); Calico (cat); and Molly (horse), among many others that wandered in over the years.