The Waltons Pet Trivia!

The Waltons:

Pet Project

When people think of the family pet, more than likely, they’re picturing a cuddly cat or tail-wagging pup. Folks who live in rural settings have a whole different perspective on their fine feathered and cute furry friends. The Waltons have taken in their fair share of creatures over the years. Let’s celebrate their pets—and have a little fun!

Don’t peek at the answers! Grandma wouldn’t like that!


And They’re Off!

Place your virtual bets on this cross-country race. Which jockey will cross the finish line first? John-Boy on the mule? Or the rich guy on his fancy thoroughbred?

John Boy Race - INSP
Photo credit:

*Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer


He Followed Me Home. Can I Keep Him?

Which furry friend does Elizabeth adopt?

Untitled-10*Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer


Fowl Play!

Which of these winged creatures was not a Waltons pet?

a)    Peacock

b)    Canary

c)    Goose

d)    Duck
*Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer


Name that Critter

See if you can match the Waltons’ pets with their correct names.

The Mule Reckless
The Cow Molly
The Dog Blue
The Peacock Calico
The Deer Chance
The Goat Rover
The Cat Lance
The Horse Myrtle

*Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer



Which jockey will cross the finish line first? John-Boy on the mule? Or the rich guy on his fancy thoroughbred?
Answer: If you put your virtual money on the longshot, you win our virtual applause!

Which furry friend does Elizabeth adopt?
Answer: Racoon

Which of these winged creatures was not a Waltons pet? 
Answer: C) Goose! The peacock and duck belonged to Jim Bob. The canary was a gift from Jim Bob to Grandma.

See if you can match the Waltons’ pets with their correct names.
Answers: Blue (Mule); Chance (cow); Reckless (dog); Rover (peacock); Lance (deer); Myrtle (goat); Calico (cat); and Molly (horse), among many others that wandered in over the years.