Stars in My Crown Trivia-Facts

Fascinating Facts About Stars in My Crown

By Darlene Cah

What goes on behind the scenes is often as dramatic as what happens on the screen. Joel McCrea stars in Stars in My Crown, but was he the first choice? Also, that tall guy in the saloon looks awfully familiar! Let’s get another perspective on moviemaking.


Sneak Peek into the Future

By the time Stars in My Crown was in production, James Arness already had a few movies under his belt. But this was Amanda Blake’s film debut—and her part is bigger than Arness’ role!


A Man of Few—Very, Very Few Words!

Stars in My Crown has a cast of 43 uncredited roles, including James Arness as Rolfe Isbell, a role in which he had one line—just two short words.


Cinematic Foreshadowing

They may not have said a word to each other in Stars in My Crown, but a mere five years later, James Arness and Amanda Blake would be cast in Gunsmoke as Marshal Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty Russell.


Ready for my Close-Up … Or Not

In February 1948, the Los Angeles Times reported that Robert Taylor—star of Cattle King, Westward the Women, and Return of the Gunfighterwas originally chosen for the lead.


Another Change of Shift

The following month, March 1948, a Hollywood Reporter article stated that William Wright was slated to direct the movie, and Van Heflin was up for the lead.


Three Time’s a Charm? No, Not Really.

According to Joel McCrea’s grandson, Wyatt, the lead role of Parson Gray was offered to Spencer Tracy, but he declined, having already played men of the cloth four times, including his Academy Award-winning role of Father Flanagan in Boys Town (1938).


Finally, a Star Is Cast! 

And the role that touched that actor’s heart. Joel McCrea, star of Cattle Drive, The Lone Hand, Trooper Hook, and Ride the High Country, rose above the rest to play Preacher Josiah Gray. According to his family, Stars in My Crown was McCrea’s favorite.



Jacques Tourneur was a versatile director with several Westerns on his resume. In addition to Stars in My Crown, he was at the helm of Wichita and Stranger on Horseback with Joel McCrea, and Way of the Gaucho with Rory Calhoun. But he was best known as a director of horror movies, with such classics as Cat People, I Walked with a Zombie, and Leopard Man.


I Know Just the Guy!

Joel McCrea and Jacques Tourneur were friends. After McCrea was cast in Stars in My Crown, he lent the book on which the movie was based to Tourneur. Swept away by the story, Tourneur threw his hat in the ring to direct. Though he was a well-known, highly-paid Hollywood director, the studio execs turned him down. They considered the film a B-movie and wanted a lower-level, lower-paid director. But Tourneur persisted and even said he would direct it for free. Ultimately, he signed on and was paid scale. His passion project cost him, as he was relegated to a lower salary bracket for the remainder of his directing career.


Wyatt McCrea talks about his famous grandfather. Read Stars in My Crown—One of Joel McCrea’s Favorites by Henry C. Parke.