Love Your Pet Day
Happy Love Your Pet Day!
Of course, we love our pets every day, but on February 20th, it’s official: Love Your Pet Day! The characters on your favorite INSP shows sure do love their pets—from tail-wagging, fluffy dogs to grunting, gritty pigs. Why, the Walton family pets alone could fill a book of the who’s who of the animal kingdom!
Let’s take a look at some of the critters that have strutted, waddled, galloped or slinked across your TV screen.
Rover, not a name you’d expect for Jim-Bob Walton’s peacock.
Jack, Laura Ingalls’ beloved first dog
Blue, John-Boy Walton’s trusty “steed”
Pete, Elizabeth Walton’s raccoon
Lancelot, Erin Walton’s darling deer
Buck, Ben Cartwright’s dependable mount
Hot, Matlock’s favorite Dog (Hot Dog)
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